Mumbai Image by Nora Sahari


Book Kak Nora last year ,1st November 2014. Kak Nora ask me to check with Peti Solek whether they are willing to assist me with the indian outfits and great news they can.

In the email stated that they will invite us 3-4 months before the big day. I email and ask when will it be. She whatsapp me the day after and ask me what is my availablility so that can match hers. Walahhh! Saturday we go since both of us free. So we go and we sesat. Yes! Round and round the road we go at Ubi Ave 1, 2 and 3 and end up to expressway and go in Ubi ave 3,2,1. Crazy! Like nursery rymes. ” Round and round the garden like a teddy bear, 1 step , 2 step tickle over there.” Ok random. Lol

I tell Reen ” Okay, stop. I call her like right now! ” And we finally found it. We wasnt angry at each other but both of us were pissed with the GPRS.

I was greeted by Kak Nora. She invite us to seat and we start talking. We both are transparent and She’s also very nice and soft spoken. I forgot to take a picture of my outfit and that day I whatsapp her and ask a favor to take picture for me and immediately she send me the picture. The place is so cosy especially the purple sofa. While Reen tries his outfit, i duduk je rilexs.

She also advice to wear the inner corset. I was like ” errrr ok. Macam mane tu” she showed me and explain that the corset will make us bride’s body look proportionate and cantik. After the appt, we went geylang for our lunch and after that jalan-jalan at Tanjong Katong Complex. I saw the corset and i told Reen  ” I’m not going to wear that. Too tight for me. Wait I suffocate how?” But we shall see. Lol

30 thoughts on “Mumbai Image by Nora Sahari

  1. Amboi! Best nye dah gi fitting all!! heheheh That time when I went to place deposit at my andaman, my mak andam did told me that I have to get corset as well so bila pakai baju nampak macam “smooth”….heheheh u dont have to get a really tight one sampai takle breathe la, just a body shaper also can!


    • Amboi nanti u nye turn next. Hehe. I ever use the pants one but if i wear the 1 pieces or 2 pc, it seems so suffocate. Mane mak andam nye corset lagi. Rimas syg oi! Like 2 fitted layers and 1 outfit of clothing on your body. I dont know how but I’m willing to try that day. Maybe i just wear their corset je. We see how my mood that day. #Perangaiofabride


  2. i suggest dun buy corset cos you will kene cucuk2 by the wires (as i was advised) so just buy a body shaper. your body more terletak and you wont look suffocated cos it wont squeeze ur body, just molding it to make it smoother. i bought a bodyshaper myself then my ketak2 da tak berketak ketak lagi LOL!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Love all the outfits from MI! I was just in awe looking at the beautiful outfits. Kak Nora is also a very nice person and soft spoken!

    May Allah ease your affairs towards your big day, Asyida! 🙂


  4. I bought SPANX from amazon.. Not bad, smooth and sucks all your babat in. You have to really check your size to buy one. I suggest one size bigger. Kat TANGS also sell SPANX, but super expensive ($152), and they don’t sell the cheaper version. What I did is try kat TANGS, den order online. *Prangai pelokek.


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